Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Analize this...

Of all the dates in the calendar, the most easy to remember are those days which fall on special celebrations/occassions - birthdays, anniversaries of any sort..etc...

It just made me wonder that the day is almost finish yet i have not recieved any message (except for the missent message intended for her brother) from the person who i consider special and who call me special.

It seems not unusual for other people but this day is "JUST our 25th Monthsary"..!

I should have contented myself in believing that she doesnt have a penny to text me but it's an unforgiving circumstance for she had sent a message. The sad part is it was not for me.

I know guys would be thinking that I am too engrossed with this lass because I often eat my pride. So unfortunate for me for I only recieve indignation instead of a little appreciation for my effort.

Is being concern something gross to do?

Are special events/occasions for people or couple something difficult to remember?

Analize those...